Friday, October 9, 2009

A Man with a god complex and poor grammer.

When I started a College Grammar class in 2007 I realized something very important. The 12 years of Mandatory English classes in public (and DoD) school failed me. In the 5 months I was in the course I learned more about my native spoken language then I did in 12 years of tax payed education. Later after changing colleges and getting back to education I begin to evaluate myself and my skills. After talking with one of my current Computer Science professors about my strength and weaknesses I realized I had one glaring flaw. I am currently not capable of accurately displaying my thoughts and ideas that I hold in my mind through art of writing. Over the past few months I have begin to set goals. First, I wish to create an 2d Video Game that I will eventually port to the iphone/ipoda touch. Second, I wish to start publishing a Serialized web comic in March, April, or May of next yer. Both task will require the use of exceptional writing. The great thing about being a human being is we learn to repetition. With George Orwell's, "Politices and the English language" on my desk and the desire to better my skill I will log my growth as a creative force. All of those willing to follow my exploration of what makes an idea terrific and what makes it terrible are welcome to join me.

My current and most immediate goal is to program. I have been programming for several years now, and I have been able to absorb the concepts with ease. Programming to some might seem like a complex and foreign concept, but to me it is something natural. I have always been creative and doing such activities as drawing, thinking of creative stories, and developing full worlds. However recently I have been able release the creative pressure built up. Programming has been a great way to appease my god complex and its by productive creative desire. Recently I have thought of the idea of "If god spoke any language it would be math." If you look a the physical universe its so amazing how perfect it is. Everything is eventually capable of being explain on the mathematical level. With programming we are capable of not only simulating the current world we live in , but actually break the rules. The concept of being a god for only a second appeals to me in some strange way. To some very extremely religious folk this might appear to blasphemy and possibeley it is. With the computer I can create world and express my artistic abilities. Computer programming isn't just a science it is an art. Like Drawing, Writing, and any other Creative force computer science requires the capability to loosely imagine your end idea and work at it to create a end produce. With enough practice and patience a person is capable of creating anything. We are able to explore every aspect of our universe and beyond by simply devising an artificial world. I will continue on my journey through computer science later. However, I do want to lightly cover the idea of a future web comic.

Recently my Cousin and I begin talking over skype after a I listened to a couple episodes of Art and Story. Over the last 10 years I have been silently working on story ideas in my head. Over the last year I have had at least solid concepts and themes appear in my head. The current story we are working on is still in its early stage and the script will not likely be finished till December at the latest. Although I do not wish to talk to much about the subject without my Cousin's consent I will simply mention that it is a Sci-Fi that explores the idea of what happens when you take two groups of polar opposite societies and force them to live in a very small area. Unlike Programming which appease my desire to creative, the story has a different goal. with Creating a story I wish to explore the universe and how the state of humanity is. Although I know how the story will end and how the characters will come to terms with the conditions they are in, I am still unsure of the results of my explorations. With hope I will find the answer to the question I ask myself when making this story by the time I publish the last page.

I continue to grow and developer with the eventual goal that I will become great. I reach for the stars knowing that my fingers will be seared. And the journey will require countless hours and sleepless nights, but I must have high demands of myself. I know that in the end I must achieve my goals. Not because I have publicly declare my goals, but instead, if I fail here I will forever be weighted down the desire to create and explore. A Pressure that is more painful then the strongest migraines.

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